a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek
a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek

Geek Squad by any Other Name

I am a geek squad by another nameGeek SquadI live for my family and friends and I view my free time as precious, but lately it feels like computers are my life.  I work on them and with them all day long, then I work on them when I come home. Then on the weekends, I go round to my friends homes and work on their computers.

I am a member of the GEEK SQUAD but I get paid in pizza lunches and traded components.  Don’t get me wrong I LOVE IT!  Just today I got to spend nearly the whole day with one of my best friends Jamie and his family while working on his systems.  Frankly, being a computer jockey has opened so many doors for me over the years that I look at it as a real boon and not a bummer.

Its a happy frustration to have that it seems I cannot escape the personal computer.  Cheers!

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