a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek
a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek

Extra Large Halloween

Being a big guy, and loving Halloween like I do, I thought it would be helpful and humorous to run down a list of the Halloween costume ideas I entertained this year.  I will definitely be picking from this list for future costume ideas.  If you are an extra rotund, pleasingly plump, large and in-charge guy, like me, then I hope you enjoy this list.  I know I laughed pretty hard when I thought of myself dressed up like one of these.


Ok. Who hasn’t wanted to be Fred Flint-stone at some point in their life?








Friar Tuck gets all the chicks, plus the robe can hide all your imperfections.






Yeah I know what your thinking, This one only works if you can pull off the Peter Griffin laugh, Hahahahahhhahhhahahahha.






.    Whats more scary on Halloween than ahuge non Asian guy in a fancy diaper? Hayaaaah!










Friends Romans Countrymen, lend me your sandals for this costume.






You can tell all the trick-or-treaters that they should finish school or they might end up living in a “VAAAAAHHHHN DOWN BY THE RIIIVER” like you.








    I know this is a hard one to pull off if you cant grow facial hair or spend 3 million on a yacht but its awesome if you CAN!




So there you have it.  A list of costumes well suited to those of us with a large frame and a huge ego to match.

Happy Halloween all!  Until next year!

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