a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek
a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek

Sunday Halloween

Religious zealots complain about the increasing tendency of the popular mind to make the association between Halloween and secular or pagan imagery.   What is really amusing is the utter seriousness with which they disregard the fact that Halloween predates Christianity by thousands of years.  The Halloween we celebrate today is drawn mostly from the pagan parts, the Jack-o’-lanterns, the dressing up as ghosts, witches, etc.  These days it’s pretty secular even on a Sunday Halloween.

Of course, the reason ostensibly given for Saturday night Halloweening is that it will keep the holiday from interfering with Sunday night church activities.  If we follow this strange logic when Christmas or some other holiday falls on a Sunday, shouldn’t we also designate it for another day for the same reason, to eliminate any possible distraction for church-goers?  That would be crazy, right?

I cannot resist thinking that every day must feel like Halloween for Christians. After all, they imagine angels and demons at war for their “souls,” and worship assorted spirits with which they claim to be able to communicate.

Typically, when Halloween falls on a Sunday it simply means double the fun, and people can usually expect trick-or-treaters two nights in a row. When TN residents were asked how they felt about the age-old debate on the News Channel 5 website, answers were mixed but the majority who commented preferred keeping the Halloween hoopla on Halloween.

The city of Mt. Juliet Tennessee where I live has officially decided to keep the holiday on its proper day and observe the fun on October the 31st 2010.  This is a rather progressive move considering I live where the majority of the folks are religious by diffusion.

Happy haunting all!

Sunday Halloween

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