a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek
a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek

Wright of Passage

wrightI was reading the new Smithsonian magazine this weekend.  I get a lot of magazines free because of my work with computers.  The Smithsonian is one of my all time favorite reads.  I see it as one of the last of the thinking persons magazines.  This month they decided to celebrate the life and legacy of one Frank Lloyd Wright.

I was introduced to Frank Lloyd Wright by my high school graphic design teacher.  I have attributed lots of my likes and dislikes regarding art to her influence.  This like in particular I still carry with me.  LLoyd’s designs still speak to me even after all this time.  I had almost forgotten the beauty that could be found in simple organic architecture.

Keeping this brief today, if you get the chance please check out some of Wright’s work.  Although he has been dead a good while his charisma and forthought can still be seen all around us today.

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