a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek
a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek

Oh What a twisted Weber we weave.

I stepped into our neighborhood bargain store and immediately my eyes were drawn to a shelf in the far corner where a lone box marked Weber sat. Now, I have been


eyeballing a new grill for some time and Weber was high on the list so, as you can imagine the sight of this box intrigued me. The wife and I walked around the entire store
before i made my way over to the area where the box rested enticingly. It was a Weber Master Touch with lid rest, extra second level grill grate and thermometer. This was exactly what I was after!

Normally these grills cost at retail about $199.00. The sticker here showed $111.00 and based on the date on the sticker 40% off that so about 75 was the bottom line. The box was opened and I don’t just mean the top. The bottom looked like it had been resting in a bit of water and had been taped shut again after it had dried out. I rifled through the parts and glancing over them I could see one of the plastic-rubber tires was missing. I knew there was a good chance a few other parts would be missing.

I noted that the sticker on the box showed that the grill had been ordered by Amazon directly from Weber in March of this year. The box also showed that the grill carried a one year warranty. I decided to take a chance and I bought it.

Once I got the grill home and started to assemble it I found that not only was a single wheel missing but one of the three aluminum legs was also MIA. I had the grill serial number and called Weber and explained the situation to them and since the grill had never been registered they sent me a wheel and leg kit for free. That’s right, for a big fat zero.

All of this occurred just before the 4th of July Holiday. The nice lady from Weber explained that it would not arrive until after the holiday. I was fine with that. Today on July 6th the kit arrived and I now have a complete Weber master Touch Grill which I paid 75 bucks for.

The moral of this story is when you buy things from a salvage store, always inspect the item carefully and be diligent about the stickers on the outside of the box.

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