a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek
a lively collection of random musings from the mind of a webgeek

17 Years of Fun

It is quickly approaching my 17 years wedding anniversary in June.  I just wanted to jot down some of the things I have learned or had fun with in the last 17 years with my wonderful wife Laura.

–          You cannot make your spouse happy.  You can be supportive and loving but ultimately nothing you do can force your loved ones to be happy when they really aren’t.

–          You have to treat your spouse with all the respect you want for yourself.

–          You have to take the good with the bad.  No relationship is “fantasy island” perfect.

–          How can you ever really be honest with yourself If you cannot be honest with your spouse?

–          You cannot change your spouse.  You should work on changing yourself rather than others and maybe they will change with you.

–          You will experience periods of sadness, depression, loneliness and pain in ANY relationship SOMETIMES.  It’s our nature to feel this way.  It is also within our nature to realize these feelings will pass.

–          You cannot give up on a relationship at the first sign of tough times.  Working through your problems and remembering what it is that you love about your spouse in hard times will help you realize how much your spouse really means to you.  Often these tough times can make us appreciate each other all the more.

–          Love is only one of the reasons you married your spouse.

–          Marriage is a work in progress ­ALWAYS.

These are my learned lessons from my marriage.  They mean a great deal to me. I look forward to 17 more years with my lovely wife.  I would be totally incomplete without her.  I will always be grateful for her presence in my life.


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