I ran into this very interesting witch fact detailing why they are usually described as having broomsticks and flying. It was something I didn’t know myself which is saying a lot since I know a LOT about Halloween. The witch is a central symbol of Halloween. The name comes from the Saxon Wicca, meaning wise one. When setting out for a Sabbath, witches rubbed a sacred ointment onto their skin. This gave them a feeling of flying, and if they had been fasting they felt even giddier. Some witches rode on horseback, but poor witches went on foot and carried a broom or a pole to aid in vaulting over streams. In England when new witches were initiated they were often blindfolded, smeared with flying ointment and placed on a broomstick. The ointment would confuse the mind, speed up the pulse and numb the feet. When they were told “You are flying over land and sea,” the witch took their word for it.